5 Prayers of Advent | Benedictus

Speaker: Brittany Girard

Zechariah's celebratory and hope-filled prayer in Luke 1 was birthed out of a period of silence, transformation, and faith-building wonder as he saw the Lord create a new pathway in his wilderness of loss and doubt. This story, too, invites us to wonder and come to the Lord in times of silence to see how he is at work in the midst of our doubt.

5 Advent Prayers | Magnificat

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Luke teaches us theology through the stories he weaves together. Baby John leaping, Elizabeth prophesying and Mary's prayer all show us how when the Holy Spirit falls upon a person much is made of Jesus, and the greatness of God is seen and better understood.

The Walk | Haven't We Been Here Before?!

Speaker: Vince Medrano

The collection of stories in Genesis 20 and 21 feels like a repeat of previous situations Abraham had walked through. God, in his faithfulness and grace, meets us in our life-long struggles. He does a work of transformation and ultimately moves us from conflict with a nation to a blessing.

The Walk | A Good Laugh

Speaker: Vince Medrano

Chapters 17 & 18 of Genesis are filled with laughter. Laughs mingled with disbelief, wonder, and isolation but also the promise of laughter provided by God to an elderly couple who have endured a life of waiting.

Why Wait?

Speaker: Jeremiah Girard

We have the ultimate promise of Heaven to come. But why wait? Jesus is inviting us to be participants, coheirs and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth... now!