Speaker: Vince Medrano
John the Elder is rejected and slandered by a leader of a local church community. But he remains relational and guides the church toward formation.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
John the Elder is rejected and slandered by a leader of a local church community. But he remains relational and guides the church toward formation.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
The word of judgment against Edom highlights the brotherhood of their ancestor Esau and his relationship with Jacob. Where they should have been for each other, the have plundered one another.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
On the Sabbath, Jesus heals a woman oppressed by an ailment for 18 years. He initiated the interaction and brings the woman rest and restoration. In this moment we see our own invitation from Jesus into Sabbath rest.
Speaker: Kevin Dolbee
The Song of Simeon through the lens of emotional health.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
The glory of God arrives in the pasture of sheep, with an announcement of peace that isn't proclaimed to a palace but to shepherds.
Speaker: Brittany Girard
Zechariah's celebratory and hope-filled prayer in Luke 1 was birthed out of a period of silence, transformation, and faith-building wonder as he saw the Lord create a new pathway in his wilderness of loss and doubt. This story, too, invites us to wonder and come to the Lord in times of silence to see how he is at work in the midst of our doubt.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
Luke teaches us theology through the stories he weaves together. Baby John leaping, Elizabeth prophesying and Mary's prayer all show us how when the Holy Spirit falls upon a person much is made of Jesus, and the greatness of God is seen and better understood.
Speaker: Lorissa Medrano
What do you do when God calls you to something that is impossible? We see from Mary a pattern for our lives, her response of 'Let it be'!
Speaker: Vince Medrano
God returns Abraham back to when he first called him in this new call that will call for great trust. As Abraham listens to God's voice he sees the place God had promised him decades before.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
The collection of stories in Genesis 20 and 21 feels like a repeat of previous situations Abraham had walked through. God, in his faithfulness and grace, meets us in our life-long struggles. He does a work of transformation and ultimately moves us from conflict with a nation to a blessing.
Speaker: Lorissa Medrano
We have all made assumptions about God, and in Genesis 18 we see that Abraham is no different. He assumes God doesn't share his concern for justice while simultaneously underestimating God's mercy.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
Chapters 17 & 18 of Genesis are filled with laughter. Laughs mingled with disbelief, wonder, and isolation but also the promise of laughter provided by God to an elderly couple who have endured a life of waiting.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
We were made to walk with God in the Garden but we stray into the Compost Pile. Will God's holiness keep him from walking into the mess of our own making?
Speaker: Lorissa Medrano
What do we do when God's promises and life's circumstances seem to be at odds?
Speaker: Vince Girard
Amidst a wild story of giants, warring kings, sibling rivalry, and increasing darkness in the world there is someone faithfully walking with the Lord. And through him, God will bring about blessing to the nations.
Speaker: Jeremiah Girard
We have the ultimate promise of Heaven to come. But why wait? Jesus is inviting us to be participants, coheirs and citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth... now!
Speaker: Lorissa Medrano
We are a walking contradiction between trusting and wandering from God, but God is faithful even in our failings.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
As we read about Abraham's father Terah's life we take notice of how it is framed by death and discouragement. God intersects this family line and calls Abraham to walk a different path.
Speaker: Vince Medrano
Today we kick off our series The Walk. We'll be looking at the life of Abraham, which is marked by trust in the Lord and times of grasping and scheming to obtain his own good life.
Speaker: Lorissa Medrano
What do we do with the pain of unanswered prayers?